Plan Of Borders1 Greenhouses and adjoining herbaceous border

The 3 greenhouses contain a variety of tender plants some of which are rare or unusual. House no.1 nearest to the border, is a mixed collection featuring a large number of streptocarpus, Houses no. 2 and 3 contain a collection of pelargoniums, including  species forms and  scented varieties whose charm is infectious, and fuchsias.The border is the longest established in the Gardens with a range of sun lovers in mostly blues, yellows and whites.


2 Shrub Rose Border

Includes Old and New roses, some once flowering in June, the rest repeat flowering. There are also peonies, hardy geraniums, alliums, aquilegias and a collection of clematis texensis cultivars.


3 "Wild" Flower Walk"

A link between the formality of the gardens and the surrounding countryside, this is a manufactured "wild" garden as some of the native wild flowers have proved to be too invasive!


4 North Facing Shade Border

A mix of shade tolerant plants can be found mostly in pink, lilac, blue and white, all being hardy and underplanted with spring bulbs.


5 Park Border

South facing and exceptionally well drained it provides the opportunity to grow sun loving plants mostly from Mediterranean climates including borderline perennials and annuals. A fine clematis fargesi flowers  profusely in June and July.


6/7  Rock Garden and Rear House Borders

Providing a link between house and gardens these are planted with generally low growing plants in pastel shades contrasted by a border in yellows, oranges and blues. Rhodohpoxis have multiplied well in the rock garden, thanks to sharp drainage and further application of grit to the planting holes.


8 Picket Fence Cottage Garden Border

Includes stalwarts of delphiniums, hollyhocks, lupins, campanulas, phlox, shasta daisies, hardy geraniums, and annuals. The "hosta walk"at the rear takes advantage of the shade and reflects our passion for this genus.


9 Consevatory Border

Sheltered and mostly in shade there are more hostas here together with ferns and violas - charming, long flowering and trouble free. There is also a growing collection of arisaemas supplied by our friend Tony of


No tour of the House Garden would be complete without inspecting the productive fruit and vegetable garden as its centerpiece. Nothing tastes as good or gives greater pleasure than what you have grown yourself and we are largely self sufficient for about 8 months from June onwards.




10 Red Border

Captivated by the famous red border at Hidcote this is our attempt at a smaller version. We do find shades of red a difficult to integrate and there is a lot of trial and error! Dahlias are a mainstay with their long flowering season. Dark leaved shrubs, lilium speciosum and asiaticum which have some good dark reds, monardas,  and red roses add height and tender perennials such as salvias are bedded out to extend the show into autumn. In early summer the star plant is papaver orientale "Beauty of Livermere" which is repeated throught the border.


11 Pastels Border

Planted to contrast the red border in the "reverse" Jekyll fashion, this border features pinks, whites and blues, the anchor plants being phlox of numerous cultivars. Their perfume is intoxicating on warm summer days and travels a long way. We are actively adding shrubs to this border to reduce the amount of work as we grow older!!


12 Koi pond border

Hot, dry and very stony this border allows us to push the boundaries with many plants from climates warmer than our own. It is also the best place to grow roses in the Gardens. Dieramas with their graceful wands of flowers make a significant statement. Don't miss the Koi carp in the pond behind, some of fish are over 20 years old.


13 Beech hedge walk

In shade and very dry this is a challenge in summer. However in late winter there are over 70 choice hellebores together with a range of woodland plants and bulbs to admire. Although we have tried to grow arisaemas here it is too dry for them in the summer when they need moisture to support their active growth.


14 Woodland garden

Looking almost dead in high summer this is the main focus in early spring with a range of woodlanders and bulbs. 


15 Stream garden and paddock pond

These form a suitable full stop for the gardens. Water lilies are much in evidence and provide a haven for immense populations of native pond life and the introduced shoals of rudd and carp. Otters, herons, kingfishers and even a cormorant have been visitors over the years. The pond edge is planted with hemerocallis, hostas, candelabra primulas in variety, iris, astilbes and other moisture loving plants.


16 Lower Paddock shade border

This border allows moist shade lovers to thrive. Ligularias are prominent together with thalictrums, ferns, hostas, rodgersias, podyphyllums and many other unusual herbaceous plants. There is a growing colony of the giant himalayan lily cardiocrinum giganteum started from seed in 2009 which flowered in 2014. Even now their wonderful, huge glossy leaves make quite a statement at the back of this border along with hostas including the largest in cultivation called "Empress Wu". 


17 Upper Paddock shade border

This border is in part shade so plantings reflect this. They are in colours of yellows, blues, whites heightened by orange kniphofias and lilies to contrast with the red border opposite in the classic herbaceous border fashion. A huge achllea grandiflora is a long time resident. Impressive in late June with large white heads of flowers to 6 feet it can be quite a thug and needs controlling on a regular basis so that it doesn't swamp all its near neighbours.


18 Nursery area

Aside from the good range of plants for sale, please take time to look in the polytunnels to see what is growing there - one visitor kindly commented they are like a mini botanic garden!! Many are rare, tender or unusual or all three and we just can't stop acquiring more!!


For more details on all the plants in all the borders please speak to Keith.